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Guida al Cross media publishing
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Publishing through intarlaced media is only at his beginning.

I have collected in this book (now only printed in Italian, but soon ready in English and Spanish) many different ideas exchanged during various coinferences aroun the world (Seybold, XMLEurope, Gilbane Conference and other).

A lot will change in the next years, and a lot we n eed to change mainly about our way to think the act of communication. To grow by this side, is very important a whide ideas exchange and experienze shake.

Cause of this, I invite every reader of my writings who has comments, suggestions, corrections, punctualizations or anithing else to exchange about CMP, to feel free to contact me directly.

My personal address is

Marco Galiazzo

Something about me (in Italian ...)

Marco Galiazzo da diversi anni si occupa di formazione e di ottimizzazione nel mondo della prestampa, del web publishing, della fotografia digitale e, più in generale, del cross-media publishing. Insegna all'Istituto Salesiano San Marco di Mestre ed è Adobe Certified Expert su Photoshop, Illustrator, GoLive e Acrobat e InDesign. Collabora con Adobe Italia come specialista di prodotto nel Digital Imaging. Scrive per Applicando e gira il mondo seguendo le conferenze a più alto livello mondiale nell'ambito della comunicazione digitale. Ama definirsi come un "appassionato di tecnologia" e la sua mission è cercare di ottenere sempre il massimo dalle risorse umane e tecnologiche.

Vive e scrive a Santa Maria di Sala, in provincia di Venezia, suona il trombone a coulisse ed e' capo Scout.

Some of various topic discussed in the book
Analisys and structuration of contents to be published

formalization of contents in XML through Schema and DTD (created with XMLSpy)

crestion of contents ready for a Cross Media publication

analisys of most convenient file formats

analisys of the inclination to cross media of the main applications available: Xpress, InDesign, Photoshop, Illustrator, Freehand, Corel Draw, GoLive, Dreamweaver, Acrobat, XMLSpy

how and what to publish on which media, to exploit completely their potentials. To understand the peculiarities of paper and web, paying attention to the speed of the fruition oh the media.

comprehension oh the level of “how much publishable” an element of information can be

from the costumer, through the author, designer and administrator, straight to the user, when the information are properly runned the workflow becomes more efficient

– administration of informations about the company’s workers;
- a manual for same products with high technology in Multilanguage: to think about Italian and go quickly to French, English or Spanish in …differentiated according to the kind of user;
- a catalogue of chairs, spread by paper, in many versions more oriented to marketing or to the technical needs, but also on web and on palmtop devices

PostScript and PDF
to understand how these formats are very close to HTML and how follow the XML workflow


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